Monday, August 12, 2013

A self-assessment survey by Hank Green, completed by me

Early in the Brotherhood 2.0 project, Hank asked John to respond to a survey he sends to friends and family every year. I've been thinking it best to do some personal reflection, so I used that as a guideline.

This is all just for me, so I apologize it's not really interesting at all unless you really want to know what's going on in my life. It might behove you to fill this out yourself, though. You might answer these questions very differently a year form now.

1-6) Mystery questions

7) How long have you known Hank and Katherine?
Unfortunately I don't.

8) What do you want from us?
I suppose what I expect from Hank is just to keep creating constantly like he is wont to do, and to keep pushing me to be awesome, even when I'm sleepy and not feeling awesome. And for the Katherine...keep supporting and loving Hank.

9) What are you doing?
I'm getting my bearings back in St. Louis, on my home campus, planning a busy semester with lots of new endeavors. Right now I'm enjoying Orientation Leader training for the second time, preparing for a different leadership experience with different people but in a familiar position. I'm hoping to be ever-present, determined, and creative this year, because I'd like a shot at working as a coordinator.

Once school starts I'll actually be working on my BA in biology, rather than just talking about how I'm going to do it. Plus I'll get to plug at my philosophy major and religious studies minor some more.

As far as work goes, I'll be a Connection Leader again, and I'm really hoping to work with The Journal so I can start my science writing portfolio immediately and with the help of good mentors.

I'm also hoping this year will be good to our secular student group. That's going to require some consistent teamwork. Let's see if we can get that going this time.

I'm also watching a lot of Breaking Bad.

10) How much longer do you think you'll be doing it?
I'll be at Webster for another two-and-a-half years. Then my plans are wide open.

11) Why are you doing it?
Biology major: I want to learn about science and teach it to the world.
Philosophy major: I love to think, and I need the writing experience.
Religious studies minor: It's interesting and expands my philosophy background.
Orientation Leader: My experience last year changed me and my relationship with Webster, and I want to see what it can do for me and the other OLs a second time. And money.
Orientation Coordinator: I see New Student Orientation as something that is tailor-made for certain kinds of people, and I want to figure out how it can work better for people like me. Also money.
Connection Leader: Money and sometimes I can be helpful for new students, which feels good.
Journal: Science writing experience.
WUSSS: I want this club to be successful, recognized, and respected.
Breaking Bad: It's amazing and Aaron Paul.

12) What do you want to be doing?
I want to be living in a small but nice place with Carlos (the toad) and Kelton, with three rescue dogs and some rescue cats and maybe some rescue goats, growing food in my own personal garden, living in a warm climate and writing about science and philosophy. But I feel like if I were doing it I wouldn't know what to do next.

13) What is next in your life?
More college, more involvement, more friends and family, more self-transformation.

14) How you doin'?
As well as I've ever been. I'm not so hooked on fear that I have to find things to be afraid of. I'm open to opportunities, confident with myself and my relationships, and less sensitive to nonexistent dangers. I've been very happy for almost all of this year, and it's great.

15) What's the best book you read this year?
I've read half of A Game of Thrones. Does that count?

16) Describe a perfect day.
I wake up in my cozy new apartment, feeling abnormally well-rested in the early morning. Kelton is beside me. I'm up to watch the sun rise, and I go into my living room and open the windows for some sun and warm breeze. Kelton gets up to fix himself some breakfast while I nestle into the couch. No one on campus is awake, so I don't hear or see anyone around. I just sit on my laptop, catch up on my Youtube channels, and spend an hour or two writing something that is meaningful and thoughtful. Kelton makes me some oats before leaving to work out, and by the time he's back I'm all wrapped up and ready for a more active day.

I shower and fix myself up, thrilled about the way my hair is acting. Kelton and I grab the dog we don't currently own and take him out for a morning walk around Webster Groves. We pass some of my peeps - Kyla, Stu, Brooke, KP, David, etc. - and give them all hugs and hellos. Kelton and I end up at Starbucks, where we share internet discoveries and talk about our common interests. Then we hop over to Forest Park and explore.

We come back to campus to find that all my friends are free and wanting to join up. They come over to my place to watch Friends, and they all crack me up for hours. We play some Mario Party. I enjoy some lambic and chocolate while they visit. After they've gone, Mom magically shows up, and she and I lie on the couch watching Strangers With Candy together. After I snuggle with her and get sleepy, Kelton and I cozy down for bed. And through this whole day I'm never cold, not once.

17) Assuming that all things come to an end, how will humans go extinct?
Overpopulation and excess power over the planet's ecosystems will serve humanity more resource and safety problems than it can handle. People will not have the knowledge or the willpower to live sustainable lifestyles in harmony with everyone else, and the species will collapse on itself.

18) So how are you feeling about kids these days?
Don't want them. Take my ovaries, please.

19) In this space, create your own question and answer it.
What do reflections represent in Breaking Bad?
I haven't read anything about it yet, but maybe they are signals of Walt noticing changes in himself. Moments with reflections could be moments of taking personal inventory, noting the little shifts that bring Heisenberg to life.

20) "Ambrotso" tastes better than any other kind of food. What does "ambrotso" taste like?

21) If you were a cliche, what cliche would you be?
Don't get your panties in a bunch.

22) What's your least favorite part of any given day?
Assessing how awake I am in the morning and deciding whether or not I'm committed to getting out of bed. I rarely feel rested.

23) Do you enjoy science fiction?
I enjoy science nonfiction more.

24) Cheese or chocolate?

25) What was your first concert?
Aside from in the womb, I think it was Phil Vassar.

26) Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
Asheville, North Carolina

27) Would you rather invisibility or time travel?
Invisibility. I don't ever want to fuck with time, but I often want to hide from people.

28) If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be?
A green/smart/sustainable car dealership.

29) What's wrong with the world?
There are too many simultaneously uneducated and self-involved people in it.

That ended on a bit of a cynical note. Here's this:

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